Pink Sparkly Girly Foof
For the past week Ella has completely ignored the festive boxes under the Christmas tree. She will move them out of the way to get to “Grey Mama’s Birstday Prenent” Yes, under the piles of red and gold striped boxes and the silver covered packages is the small pink and sparkly wonder that is Great Grandma’s Birthday Present. Ella pulls it out every day and talks about it. She has no idea what's in it, she just knows it's pink and has a sparkly, curly bow.Dan thinks we should’ve gotten her a train table instead of a kitchen set. HA! Pink, sparkly, girly foof here we come!
Isaac is getting a train table, so she can play with it when she comes over to visit.
I hope you realize that this post has now required me to re-wrap her present is something more sparkly. He new slips are awesome. She will definitely be a shoe girl, based on her love of her lellow boots and obvious excitement towards her fluffy pink slips.
Also, we received your card in the mail yesterday. I'm not kidding when I say your child should be on magazine covers.
She will be a shoe girl. I can tell by the way she parades around in my heels now.
Dan shot that picture (X-mas card).
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