Dec 29, 2005

Here's Mud in Your Eye

What color would you say these eyes are?


Jenny said...

I swear there's yellow in there.

Anonymous said...

I always use the generic term "hazel" to describe eyes like these. My brother has eyes almost this color -- they change from blue to gray to greenish-yellow depending on what he's wearing and his mood.

Jenny said...

They do change according to her mood and what she's wearing.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever looked really close at my mother's eyes? They are very similar color - depending on her shirt, you could say her eyes were blue, green, brown, or even grey.

Do you think Ella's eyes will change as she gets older?

Jenny said...

I don't know. I hope not, I like to think they are a perfect blend of Brown and Blue.

BoomBoom said...

I'm not sure what color you would call them, but I'd call them the most beautiful color in the entire world.