Dec 29, 2005

Bombadee's Beer Garden

Here is a rare glimps into Bombadee's Beer Garden, from last night. I will have you all know I drank coffee and sobered before I drove home - where the Kaluha flows freely.

"Drunkitey, drunk, drunk, drunkeliciouse! Oh yeah internets I'm toasted on beers and Kaluha and creams (actually vit D milk, but same same taste). Reed Vanderwobble put a hand full of pop corn in my purse this evening and then I put the unpopped beebee like kernels in his beer - he's such a munch. Oh and Stinky Ferret Boy totally drank beer with me and we swapped teacher stories till we giggled like crazy. Lovely evening folks. Oh plus we drunk dialed Piefer and thought her daughter was she. Good thing I didn't say anything too incriminating. I took a picture with my brother and I totally said "Hey lets try and look like each other" and then we both smiled. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Little Brother! We played some "Mr. Roboto" on the juke box. Then there were many jokes about garbge trucks and Mexican shaman oh and of course handle bar moustachios... Ya had to be there. I'm not even sure I got all the jokes but I pretended like I did by laughing like mad. Ella is sleeping, Dan is up - Woooooooo hoooooo!"


Anonymous said...

You're crazy. Good crazy, though.

Anonymous said...

That's HYSTERICAL! :-)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I don't think she was a shaman. From my googling this morning, it looks like shamans are actually involved in the curing process, whereas the woman you took me to was mostly good at the freaking-my-shit-out process.

Jenny said...

I had to take asprin this morning, but otherwise I'm relatively unscathed.