Dec 20, 2005

Here He Is

Ok folks here he is my newly single brother Joe. He has a job, owns a car and a house and has two dogs. He’s kind of shy and quiet. He'll be 25 on Friday the 30th.

His ex broke his heart via the telephone because she had “to find herself”, after he supported her through college. After much discussion yesterday and your comments (thanks internets) he’s decided that she had something happening on the internet (up till 4 in the morning on My Space, shut the screen off when he walked in and asked when she was coming to bed). We also decided that he was a good catch and he deserved better. At least someone who could contribute to the household either by cooking and cleaning or paying some of the bills, preferably someone that will help with both next time.

He’s so frustrated, because he felt like he was trying really hard and things were getting better. Poor guy, he’ll probably spend a lot of time at my house over the next couple of weeks. He’s off work cause of the weather (construction). He said sitting at the new house alone (pics of 7 years of relationship all over the walls) is making his stomach hurt. There might be an opportunity to go repair hurricane roofs for him that would put him in FL for 2 months. We’ll know more today. Let’s hope that pans out, he deserves a little good news.

PS My hormones are better now that I have a crisis to handle, and a peron to direct my scroogieness at.


Anonymous said...

Do we know the wench's MySpace name? I hate MySpace, don't know if I've mentioned this before. About the only website out there that annoys me more is Facebook.

(Unrelated: My verification word for this comment is "nagtoyz" which is a pretty good description of what Cowboy and I were doing last night while trying to assemble/wrap Christmas for the Buckaroo.)

Jenny said...

I'm going to attempt to find it later today when kiddo is sleeping