Nov 20, 2018

In Between

I'm in between projects cutting out a bit of time for myself.  I'm reading everything on the internet for this hour today and then diving into the next thing.  Turns out I work for a real demanding boss who creates crazy deadlines and expects me to work at peak production non-stop. Also turns out I'm that boss. 

So I'm trying to lay off for the month of December and maybe make a special effort to get the house feeling cozy with fairy lights and trees and cocoa and fuzzy blankets.  I'm going to try and watch a movie or two while sitting on the couch in December. It's been hard for me to sit still that long or perhaps most of the movies recommended just aren't that riveting - who knows. But a bigger effort to relax will be made. 

I have a whole spread sheet of relaxing things ranked in order of stress relief and cross referenced with cost. Yep, that's who I am now. Who knew?!

Image result for silly diagrams about stress