May 31, 2006


Davy Rothbart of Found Magazine are going to be in Rockford tomorrow night! I'm going to go have my book The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas (really good book) autographed and watch the show. They will let people take the stage and tell about their found items.

I have a found item that I've hung onto for years. It's odd that I found it in the pocket of a leather coat bought at the Goodwill and just last week I returned the coat to Goodwill (it didn't fit anymore) but i still have the found items. They are a two grocery lists written in beautiful old lady hadwritting, on it are items like evaporated milk, one yellow cake mix, 10oz of currant jelly, folded into the grocery lists were those little stamps one collects from the grocery store, and a tiny spoon like from an ice cream social. A childs purple hair tie carefully wrapped around all of it and finally also found in the pocket an amazing little paper doll.

I can't help but think about the lady who's pocket this came from. I imagine she's passed away and her familiy piled her clothes into the car and dropped them off at the Goodwill to be sorted and sent to the store were I found it. Nobody thought to check the pockets but she knew exactly what was in there. It's a snippet of her life, a little treasure. I keep all these things in a small box in my junk drawer, I keep meaning to send them to found - now I will hand deliver them, or maybe I'll just keep it all.

Come on folks! Who wants to see Bombadee take the stage and explain why the contents of some lost little old lady's pocket is a treasure. Dan's going to stay home with Ella and I'm going even if it's by myself.

If you go
What: Found Magazine’s Cavalcade of Thrills Tour 2006
When: 8 p.m. Thursday, June 1
Where: Krypto Music Lounge, 308 W. State St., Rockford
Cost: $5
Information: 815-965-0931;


Anonymous said...

Oh wish we weren't leaving tonight. I would invite myself along!! Olivia

punkymom said...

I think it was a Mommy. That sounds like fun. It's a def maybe. possible a date night even.

punkymom said...

We found gas stamps and notes in a old wallet in Nick's great Aunt's Secretary Desk.

BoomBoom said...

Working on a sitter...cocktails are required if I'm paying for a sitter...

Jo said...

Oh my, that paper doll is amazing! I have never seen anything like it. I read once that imagination is intelligence playing. I guess yours found a playground.

Jenny said...

Cocktails are a gaurantee.

Funny when I was trying to think of someone that would enjoy thislast night Dan said to me too bad Olivia won't be here.

Jo - I've been meaning to put the paper doll in a frame for some times now. Perhaps that's where it was headed when it was abandoned in a pocket?

jennie said...

i love "found"!

noncommon said...

i wish i was there! i know you think you live in a 'little town.' but more seems to be going on in your little town than my 'city.' have a great time.

Jenny said...

Cameo - my little town is 30 minutes from the 2nd largest city in IL. Rockford that is and it's where I was born and grew up, it's my city and that's where alot of the excitment is.

Jennie you should come down and see the show with us!

Lynne@Oberon said...

I wish, wish, wish I could go! Your find certainly is a treasure. I love it when you find a second hand book with a personal inscription so I'd be beside myself with a gorcery list in a pocket! Have fun :)

noncommon said...

i've never been to rockford - only chicage and my husband lived there for a spell too.