May 17, 2006

Ella Speaks

"No Grandpa, it's not Obey, it's Ebay!"

"I peed in the potty not in my underwear and now I'm a hottie."

"What was my brain thinking?"

"I hit Nika and you louded me" (translation: I yelled)


noncommon said...

noah once said the 'what was my brain thinking' one or something along those lines. you know, like the mind is a totally separate entity. thank god for the darling things that come out of their mouths. it's still the thing that keeps me going most.

BoomBoom said...

Mimi said this to me last night:

"Mom, your big bush smells good."

(She was referring to the bridal bouquet bush next to the front door of our house. It was planted two years ago and for some reason grew leaps and bounds this past season.)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Bridgermama said...

You need to keep a journal of these. They are priceless. This is, of course, what my less than ambitious ass vows to do in the future. Don't hold your breath.

Mrs. Ca said...

I love kids' versions of things. Too cute!