May 26, 2006

Something Pink with a Paper Umbrella Sticking out of it Please

I started “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” last night and I think it’s in all our best interest if I put down the very serious book and slowly back away. I bet I shouldn’t move onto “Flowers for Algernon” or Jimmy Carter’s “Our Endangered Values” which are next in queue. I’m going out this weekend and purchase something with a pink cover and perhaps a high heel or a shopping bag and a café on the front. So I am now taking suggestions for a trashy beach read. I need it to dilute the Grim and Tonic I’ve been serving my brain. I am also not going to watch CNN until Tuesday, no NPR and absolutely no Daily KOS. (maybe)

PS Tom DeLay and company don't realize Stephen Colbert is a liberal satirist.


Irreverent Antisocial Intellectual said...

Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. Silly, quick and mindless. And not bad, either. I thing shoes might actually be on the cover ...
Uncle Tom's Cabin? Bleh. Didn't like it the first time. I'm telling you, The Bell Jar - quick and easy, only disturbing if you've read Sylvia's journals and realize it's her.

Jenny said...

Thanks, I am writing this down to take to the bookstore with me tonight.

noncommon said...

are you in need of a break from the daily dose of bullsh*t, otherwise known as reality? i get there too. little self-imposed breaks from the things that keep us informed but hurt. take your time. the mess will still be here when you get back.

Mrs. Ca said...

If you want a fun, brainless read, try any by Elizabeth Young (the first, Asking for Trouble, was made into the movie The Wedding Date, but was about five million times better than the movie). I like her books and they're quick and light (although all of them do have similar overarching plots, they're still all fun).

Jenny said...

You know I thought the Wedding Date looked kinda good. I thought maybe some day if I had a Sunday Afternoon to myself I'd watch it.

Perhaps in 2007 I'll find a Sunday like that.

Jo said...

Have you read all of Jane Austin's books? Those are a light read. How about the Nanny Diaries? That one kept me laughing through the whole thing. The Red Tent? Holy Moly, if you haven't read it yet, it is a must read for ANY woman...hmmm that is all I can think of now, too tired for my brain to work.

punkymom said...

I agree with all of the above the Wedding Date was ab fab in more than one way! I truly am almost done with the last Ya Ya book, It is good I only read a chapter every other week or so, it's been 3 weeks since I've had time.

punkymom said...

I need to springerize our pool and fill it up too! Thanks for the inspiration.