Apr 25, 2006

Thirty Three

I have discovered as of late the importance of Birthday parties. I’ve always thought them to be a little vain and silly, but have come to the belief that this celebration is more about honoring your parents. We’ve never really celebrated Birthdays around here, perhaps a present and a special dinner maybe desert at the restaurant. We certainly would never don a giant sombrero while the entire restaurant staff stands at our table singing “Feliz Cumpleaños!” So, why the change of heart? Ella.

When she turned one I wanted to throw the biggest party to announce to the world “Look what I did! I grew a person and then I cultivated her for a whole year and we didn’t even break her!” Plus, I couldn’t let the day that I pushed a whole person out of my person go unnoticed. So we celebrated Ella in all her Ella-ness and the fact that Dan and I had started our Magnum Opus!

So today in honor of my parents – Thank you, I love you and Happy Birthday to Me!

"My ancestors watch because at this moment, I am the whole reason they existed." -David H. Franzoni


10:20 update I almost forgot - the following conversation took place last night:

Ella: Mom’s so old
Me: Because it’s my birthday?
Dan: Did you tell her that?
Me: I thought you did.
Dan: Ella, tell mom she’s a hottie.
Ella: Mom, you’re a potty!


BoomBoom said...

Happy Friggin' Birthday to my Dear, Dear Pal!

BoomBoom said...

Nice that you could join us in The Land of 33. I've found I rather like it here.

Jenny said...

Thank you.

I certainly wouldn't trade 33 for anything else.

noncommon said...

happy day to you! i always send flowers to my mom on my birthday. i figure she did all the work. but we tend to go a little crazy on b-days over here. i figure the day my kids came into this world made it all a better place. it's great to honor them for that. i really enjoy reading your blog and i LOVE the links you posted the other day! have a great day!

Jenny said...

Hi Cameo, thank you very much. Welcome welcome, I hope you continue to read and enjoy and contribute.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cute Fun Girl! I am glad you are in our lives!

Jenny said...

Thank you. You people make me smile - alot.

Jenny said...

Thank you Mother Load and Congratulations to you on your couch victory.

Mrs. Ca said...

Happy Birthday. Hope it was a great one!

Sir Seanface said...

Happy B-Day! I still need sleep.

Jenny said...

Thank you Mr. BlahZeeBlah! When can we come invade your nest and visit and drop off presents?

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!