Apr 26, 2006

Are You on the Pot?

We went to our little town’s first DARE program graduation last night and my high school buddies who dumped me after I quit smoking the weed would have been very disappointed. Yes, I’ve smoked the weed before. I quit when I reached college for three reasons:

1. The boy I liked didn’t do any kind of drugs at all (Dan) not even cigarettes, his drug of choice was Mountain Dew and skate-boarding which apparently is a sport were being fit is a bonus.

2. When I was stoned it never made me feel liberated or free. Mostly I was just paranoid, like I just knew a booger was hanging out of my nose and everyone was looking at it and in their heads they were thinking “What a freaky gross chick that girl is with her red eyes and cotton mouth and her booger just hanging out there, she’s probably a little slow, poor weird girl.” So if pot enhanced anything for me it was all my insecurities about my teenage self.

3. If I flunked a class because I was partying too much to actually do my paper I had to pay for the class again, out of my own pocket. (Not Cheap)

I found out I actually like myself better when I’m not getting high and I have more pocket money and smarter friends. It’s not that my stoner friends were dumb, it just turns out we rarely ever talked about anything other than cool things to do when you were stoned, i.e. watching movies like “The Doors”, how many pieces of bubble gum one can stuff in one's mouth without choking and why a trampoline is the greatest invention ever. In fact other than sitting in a basement giggling and throwing darts at John Anderson’s head or playing Nintendo we didn’t accomplish much when we were high unless you count all the creepy things I drew on the back of my notebooks as productive.

After sitting through the DARE program I feel seriously lucky to not have become a statistic. I could be living at my boyfriend’s best friend’s sister’s house dealing coke to the rich kids up the street to buy McDonalds for my undernourished, dirty faced, barefoot, crack baby who is standing in a pile of dirt in the front yard crying and holding a naked baby doll that’s face has been colored on with blue pool-cue chalk. Or I could be living out of a tie-dyed tent desperately selling enough Patchouli incense and hand made beads to buy tofu patties and soy milk for my undernourished, dirty faced, naked baby who’s face has been painted on with blue peace signs while she is standing in a pile of dirt at the PHISH concert crying and holding an all natural hemp doll.

Ok, I did have a glass of Pinot Grigio and some chocolate cake before I got in my minivan and rode to the school function with my toddler in tow who sat still and colored the DARE Lion’s face blue with crayon during the program. What…? It’s not like Ella plays soccer, in fact she’s going to take Karate and that's totally different – so there.


BoomBoom said...

So whatta you sayin' bout Soccer Moms?

I'll have you know, I'm the coolest Soccer Mom ever! I never show up with Little Debbie prepackaged snakes and juice boxes when it's our turn for snacks. We serve sparkling pear juice and bruchetta.

Jenny said...

I almost spit my frappaccino out my nose.

BoomBoom said...

OK - was it the fact that I spelled bruschetta wrong, or the fact that I said I never show up with Little Debbie SNAKES rather than SNACKS?

Sometimes I really wish Blogger has spell check incorporated in Comments!

Jenny said...

Tater Tot - are you on the pot?

BoomBoom said...

I plead the Fifth.

Jenny said...

It's a little extra funny that we are going garage sailing on Friday. I'm a caricature of myself, in my canvas Keds and my short hair. Maybe I should trade me sweater set for a nose ring.

Jenny said...

I meant 'my' sweater set for a nose ring.

Or maybe this the point in my housewifing life that I go and buy a DVD by Carmen Electra instructing me how to strip/exercise so I can prove I'm still a little wild. (ARG...)

I'm embracing my inner desperate Housewife today. Love, love , love thyself - I could be a patchouli hocker.

BoomBoom said...

I liked the "trade me sweater for a nose ring"...it made you sound like a pirate.

Jenny, The Pirate Housewife

Jenny said...

Classification and definition from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer_mom

1. North America – check
2. Post Feminist – check
3. SUV, minivan – check
4. Cell phone – check
5. Upper middle class – check
6. College educated – check
7. Suburban/Exeurban – check
8. White – check
9. Homemaker – check
10. Overscheduled children – no
11. Making personal sacrifices for their children's benefit – don’t all moms do this?
12. Proud Parents bumper stickers – not yet
13. Voted for Bill Clinton – check
14. She's assumed to be especially concerned with education policy, health care and tax levels, especially as they impact her own family - check
15. Since the late 1990s and into the 2000s, the soccer mom has been increasingly associated with political conservatism, with evangelical or fundamentalist Christianity, and with socially conservative concerns such as opposition to obscenities in rock and hip hop music and sex and violence in film, television, and video games. Some "extreme soccer moms" even complain about sad music, claiming that it makes children suicidal. Because of this, many gamers and anime fans often use soccer moms as scapegoats for censorship in the media. – totaly not (well maybe a little - I'm not a fan of extreme violence on TV)

Table4Five said...

Except for #15, I am TOTALLY a Soccer Mom! Eeep! Except neither of my boys play soccer because they hate organized sports.

And I busted out laughing at "Tater Tot-are you on the pot?"! That was too funny.

BoomBoom said...

At what point of this post and comment string should I have mentioned that I have no friggin' idea what patchouli is?

Bridgermama said...

I vowed to never smoke-up again, due to the fact I am a complete idiot when I do! Although I have to admit I miss the giggles sometimes!

Jenny said...

Patchouli is a calogne, body oil, hippy stink that covers up armpit smell really well. I'll point it out to you sometime if I smell it. My mom had a tiny concentrated bottle of it in her top drawer I once spilled the whole thing all over and the pungent strength ruined it for me in a big barfy way. I can't stand it now. It embodies every wrong thing that peace loving pot smoking degenerates hold as valuable instead of hard work and following rules. (did that sound a little bitter?)

To my mom's credit I don't think she ever wore patchouli past 1976, and she now wears Chanel No 5 and I adore that.

Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patchouli

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind a sample of the pot now and then.

Jenny said...

KTJ !! I'm surprised - I knew you were growing your hair long, but I never would've pegged you for a long haired hippie. LOL

Anonymous said...

OK, the post was funny enough, but I'm about to die over the comments!!