Apr 6, 2006

My Best Friend

He's handsome

He’s a great cook

He’s really really really smart (yes, 3 “really”s worth)

He dances with me every time we hear “Brown Eyed Girl”

He’ll argue with me - "about the hypothetical legal liability and moral responsibilities of a video game company that has found the mechanism to induce obsession in writing the perfect addictive video game” - for fun

He has great looking calves

He changes poopy diapers

He’s great at planning trips

He can massage a knot out of my neck in about three minutes

He can be unexpectedly funny

He plays ‘tea party’ with the kiddo

He over-indulges his loved ones

He’s got a plan and it fits in with mine

Monkeys almost always make him laugh

He has the unusual ability to easily interpret and make judgments about tricky moral, ethical, legal dilemmas while cutting out the particulars that cloud the issue. It makes for good conversation and I might someday make bracelets “WWDD?” (What would Dan do?)

He smells super good when he’s all sweaty from working in the yard or on the house, (I bet only I appreciate this quality though)

He never lies (Don’t ask him if you look fat in those jeans unless your ready for the Truth)

He will always do what is right even when it’s unpopular

He laughs at my jokes

He knows things like the history of
Guy Fawkes which totally makes for good conversation after seeing a movie like V for Vendetta. (I recommend the movie)


Anonymous said...

I have one like that too. Isn't it a great thing?

BoomBoom said...

Ain't we lucky?

I think we is.

BoomBoom said...

Just to let you know, I'm starting to come to the realization that the TaterTots are not nearly intelligent enough to be good friends with the Bombadee's.

Without Google, I'm factless.

Jenny said...

bull crap. You people have LOGIC and that my friend is worth a billion facts.

BoomBoom said...

That's nice of you to say.

I've decided I'm smart again now (after some thought). If I were stupid, I would pretend I knew something already or not ask if I didn't. I have no qualms admitting what I don't know what they are talking about or asking someone what in the hell modicum and vitriolic mean when they casually use them in an email.

Plus, you can't look down to a chick who uses Google to look stuff up. At least I look it up.

Jenny said...

I had to google "modicum" just now.

Table4Five said...

Is it your anniversary or are you just extolling the virtues of your wonderful husband? Either way, this was a sweet tribute to Dan.

If you make those bracelets, let us know!

Jenny said...

Just extolling the virtues of my wonderful husband

Jenny said...

Tater Tot,
I just realized I misspelled monkies and I left it that way... just for you.


BoomBoom said...


I suck at spelling. If I didn't have spell-check I would loose my mind.