Nov 8, 2005

Where are the Monkeys?

This morning while lying in bed I heard Dan walking around downstairs cussing and rifling through things. I yell down the stairs "What are you looking for?" He yells back "Monkeys." I blink and rub my eyes (as if that will make me hear any better)... did he just say monkeys? "Ella was playing with monkeys and my wallet yesterday and now I can't find them" he adds. OH - awake now 'my keys', he's looking for 'my keys'. I yell "Wake her up and ask her what she did with them." He woke her and very carefully asked "Where's Daddy's wallet?" as if he were playing the where's puppy game. She was delighted to play and walked right over to one of her many purses and pulled out his wallet. He found his keys in a different sparkly pink purse hanging in the vicinity. Crisis narrowly averted.


Anonymous said...

That is truly amazing. I think you have the only toddler ever to do that!! My kids are all about the I DON'T KNOW whenever we ask them where anything is. Congrats!!

BoomBoom said...

I am a close and personal friend of Miss Ella, and yes I can confirm...she is very intelligent, dare I say even advanced for her age.

She's about the prettiest thing you've ever seen too!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Good thing she was willing to play along -- how smart of him to approach it as a game!

p.s. -- love the "sally" hair pics. so cute!

Jenny said...

The conversation actually went... Me: Wake her up and ask her
Dan: Yeah right, like she'll actually tell me
Me: Have a different plan?
Dan: Ok
after they were found...
Me: (In my head: told ya so! happy dance happy dance happy dance).

Table4Five said...

Hee hee! "monkeys" That is too funny!

My boys could never remember where they put anything-should have given them sparkly purses!