In the last month, one brand new wool sweater (never worn) was reduced to an Ella sized piece of felt. Several stains were permanently cooked right into the shirt’s design while in the dryer and I think Ella actually outgrew things before their reappearance from the laundry room. I commented “I don’t have any clean clothes” the reply was “Well, I can’t find where you put your dirty clothes” which I can attest to. He’s washed some weird things. Recently up from the basement I found a load of summer clothes, I think he mistakenly washed a hamper full of shorts and t-shirts I stashed away near the laundry room. Sometimes, he washes all the table cloths and miscellaneous scarves and bath-mats while I am wearing bikini bottoms underneath my jeans. I ask, is it too hard to look in the HAMPER for the dirty clothes? The sock situation is way out of control. I went and bought 12 pair of warm socks for Ella (her feet grew) and have nary a match. I did the math, at roughly 5 min. a day, I loose one full day a year in pursuit of a matching sock.

Dear Sweetest Husband, I love you, I appreciate you and I want you to keep helping but it must be said – you suck at laundry. You need more practice. Love, Bikini Bottomed Wife
(We need socks for Christmas Mom)
Not to brag, but I haven't done a load of laundry in 13-14 years (seriously).
Jeff once left me a note that read:
"Please put towels in dryer (large white box next to freezer)"
I married a damn comedian...but at least he's a comedian who does all the laundry.
my husband's theory is that guys purposely mess up the laundry so they don't have to do it. I'm not trying to accuse your hubby of anything -- but I think that's what my J did to get out of doing laundry regularly! ;-)
Those socks have flown across to the U.K, and ended up in my laundry basket. I'm sure of it.
I'll send you half and you send me half
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