Nov 4, 2005

Left to my own devices:

My dear child is sprouting four teeth this week. They hurt and it makes her tired and crabby and she wants to nurse all the time. This makes my boobies tired and crabby as well. Luckily today she fell asleep at 11:00 and is still happily napping. Left to my own devices so early in the day I have eaten 3 fun sized snickers, 2 chocolate chip cookies and bagel with garlic and cream cheese, a piece of cheese and half a cup of instant coffee. I’ve caught up on all my blog reading, cut my finger nails, put on mascara, looked at my butt in these jeans twice, petted the dog, and done the crossword, pretty soon I’ll have no excuse to keep me from cleaning.


BoomBoom said...

Instant Coffee? That's blasphemy.

Jenny said...

It's my life's blood most days. That makes Real Coffee like a sinful treat