Nov 29, 2005


My dear pal Tatertot posted her Pal Criteria today and Duchess Jane posted her Dating Requirements. It’s gotten me thinking about my friends. Here’s the thing, I’ve lost a few friends in the past. I don’t mean like we got in a fight and don’t talk anymore, I mean like she was killed in a car accident or he started the car and closed the garage door and went to sleep, or she was raped and strangled in a park. Sad? – Yes extremely. Tramatizing? – Yes extremely. Coincidentally frequent? – Yes, extremely. Consequently, I didn’t make very close friends for a very long time. I was building a monument to friendship celibacy, like a widow. I was determined to make it true that I would NEVER have close friends like that again. A few years into my marriage and a few extremely jealous arguments about Dan spending time with his friends, I had an epiphany, I didn’t have any pals and that was MY problem not anyone else’s.

For a few years now, I’ve been working at being a better friend and keeping in touch with people and making sure that I have pals. It occurred to me this morning when reading both Duchess Jane’s and Tater Tot’s posts that perhaps I should stop amassing friends to prove to myself that I can and lay down some criteria. It’s quality not quantity. Plus I can never pass up the opportunity to make a good list.

The List

  • Must like children
  • Must respect my choices to raise my child the way I do
    -Don’t freak out when I whip out a breast to feed my kid (similarly I don’t want to have to try and explain breast feeding to your kid at this moment either. That’s for you to explain).
    -You have to be able to stand my messy house, you child will leave all play dates at my house with dog hair on their clothes.
    -Do not give my child a sip of your pop, coffee, chocolate milk or drag off your cigarette without looking to me first.
  • Must raise you children similarly, I can’t have my kid witnessing things…
    -If you regularly hit/spank your child
    -If you yell things like “Shut UP! Damn, freakin’ brat!”
    -If the kids only eat after the grown ups (my aunt's in-laws did this, it was a respect thing, and it was weird)
    -If you can’t handle when our kids are both yanking on the same toy (they’ll have to learn to work it out)
  • Must respect my time.
    -My family time is sometimes limited and if I plan a date with you, it’s because I really do have to plan it ahead.
    -Broken play dates break my heart every time (unless you kid’s sick, in which case thank you for not passing it along)
    -Please don’t ramble on about whether it was Friday at 10am or Tuesday at 11:15 because if it’s not important to the story I don’t freaking care.
  • Please don’t try to spend too much time with me. I get sick of Dan and I LOVE him; I’ll get sick of you even faster if you try to see me every day.
  • You must be willing to tell me when I’m wrong, it’s hard to respect someone who kisses your ass
  • If you are mad at me, you have to tell me. I don’t get subtle hints
    -I once walked into a meeting late and heard a colleague saying “She does it just to make me mad, I can’t stand it anymore! I’ve repeatedly hinted that it bothers me and she doesn’t even care! Boss, you have to do something about this situation.” I offered “I’ll help, who are we talking about?” colleague turns to me, burst into tears and yells “YOU!” (I had no idea).
  • If I ask you what’s wrong and you say “Nothing” I choose to believe you. Please, give me the same courtesy
  • Please don’t ever assume that because we are friend that our husbands should be. Mine is a fickle, blunt, crabby, curmudgeon with very little time to spend with his friends and family, he’s likely to tell your husband to his face to go find his own friends.
  • Don’t ask me to come to your Tupperware, Candle, Avon party unless we’ve been friends for more than 3 years and you won’t be offended when I don’t buy anything.

Bonus qualities (not required)

  • Funny
  • Eccentric
  • Willing to try new things
  • Can suggest fun things to do (to avoid “What do you wanna do?” “I dunno what do you wanna do?”)
  • Has own money (I don’t like to pay every time)
  • Likes to drink and dance
  • My husband likes you too

I’m sure there’s a billion things I missed or am obsessing about that don’t really matter, but Jane was right, that was therapeutic.


BoomBoom said...

Your list rocks.

I very much agree with quality vs. quantity. While I have many people I am friendly with, I have very few pals.

Losing a pal is one of the most devastating things a woman can go through. I believe I remember your friend who was murdered. She went to Lincoln with us, correct? I'm afraid I will get her name wrong, but Rebecca is sticking in my mind.

Jenny said...

That's right. Her murderer was finally convicted last year. I have a whole new point of view on it now - she was only 14.

Lynne@Oberon said...

Sometimes when I read your blog I want to comment but I feel as though I am butting in on a private conversation between a group of friends ... but now I have read your Pal Criteria list I am just going to jump in because reading between the lines I don't think you'd like social paranoia in a pal either :)
I'm so sorry to hear you have lost friends in such tragic ways. I am going to a close friend's farewell party on Saturday (she's moving to New York, the cow!) and I was just having a feeling-sorry-for-myself-because-my-friends-all seem-to-move-away session .. but I have snapped out of that now.

Jenny said...

Dearest Surfing - you are correct in the assumption about social paranoia - please jump in whenever you like!

I was reading about your friends all moving away and that's just as valad a reason to be sad. Long distance friendships are hard too. Thank god for e-mail!