Feb 19, 2006

About the Food

Select excerpts from a birthday celebration:

“We’re not sure what it is. It’s the chef’s choice. But we're gonna eat it.”

“Ok we’ll get the fillet, but just because everyone else is and now we can hang with the cool kids.”

“Here comes the flaming onion.”

“Oh yeah, he’ll eat anything, especially if you give him a dollar.”

“Don’t feel like to have to choke down the pineapple just because it’s my birthday.”

“I don’t think Jack Daniels and raw fish mixes very well.”

“I eat bananas every day.”

“I’ve got lots and lots of the shrimpiest burps ever – sorry people.”

“Oooh! This Goldschlager stuff rocks!" "Yeah, you’ll be pooping gold flakes tomorrow.”

“I’m going to eat this whole row of delicious thin mint Girl Scout cookies because they are so delicious.”


BoomBoom said...

I didn't have a hangover, but did wake up slightly intoxicated still.

Jenny said...

I had to have two asprins and a cup a coffee for breakfast.

Table4Five said...

Goldschlager and Girl Scout cookies? You sure know how to celebrate a birthday!