“Ha ha, really funny. Did you think that was going to scare me or something?”
“Dude I wouldn’t sh*t you about this – there is a BRRAINNN in your driveway! Come and look at it”
“Alright, let me get my shoes on.”
“What is that?”
“It’s a brain, I told you! Is someone mad enough at you to throw a fetal pig brain in your driveway? Or maybe it’s from a dead raccoon.”
“What? You think someone cut the brain out of a dead raccoon and threw it in my driveway? ... No, it wouldn’t be big enough. That brain came from something bigger.”
“If it’s fresh shouldn’t it be bloody?”
“It rained like crazy this morning; it would’ve washed it clean so there’s no way to know.”
“Dude! See – it is a brain isn’t it! How did you get a brain in your driveway?”
“That can’t be what it is, let’s look at it closer. Get a stick”
“I’m not going to poke it with a stick! Gross! ”
“That’s ok, I found one, I’ll poke it.”
“Dude, don’t lean so close! What if it…”
“What jumps onto my head and bites me? Yeah right, in the middle of the day in my driveway a human brain gets loose and bites me on the neck.”
“Where would someone get a human brain?... Maybe we should call the police?”
“Hell na! Do you remember the scarecrow incident?! Let’s poke it first”
“It’s mushy.”
“I think I’m going to puke”
“The stick poked right into it and brain juice came out.”
“Siiiick. Don't poke it anymore!”
“How in the F* did I get a brain in my driveway? What do we do with it?”
“Well, you can’t just put it in Tuesday’s trash.”
“Let’s ask my mom, she’s going to be home pretty soon”
“We have to wait for her or she’ll run it over with her car.”
“Mom! Stop the car! Don’t pull in you gotta see this!”
“Why are you kids standing around the rice cake I dropped this morning? My, oh- my, those really swell up when they get rained on…”

Happy Halloween!
Go see what we were for Halloween at TaterTot's Thoughts today.
Hee hee, rice cakes are good for something, besides stepping on them on the carpet so the pieces are too tiny to pick up, I just knew it!
Are three brains better than one?
I suppose it depends on who's brain the third one is.
Ha ha!! How funny - swollen rice cakes look like brains hey?? That must be good information for some time in the future ;)
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