Oct 12, 2006

A Woman Obsessed

We watched “Flyboys” last night during our return to the much anticipated date night. My history-ignorant self and my highly knowledgeable husband whispered the following conversation over popcorn.

Me: Why does that plane have a banner on it?
Him: It makes him squadron leader.
Me: And that means… what?
Him: He flies in the front and makes the decisions about where to go, he leads them. Incidentally, it also tells the German’s who to take down first.
Me: Oh, so he’s like the pivot.
Him: ~sigh~


Me: So with all that shooting, that reminds me one of our Derby girls once got shot. I heard she was on the job when it happened... (endless rambling about how tough we are)

Later yet…

Husband on the other end of the phone 30 miles away: I have your keys
Me: What do you want to do… drive back?
Husband: Borrow your Mom’s car and then we can switch around tomorrow
Me: Ok, but I have practice. I better not miss practice. I'll get my gear and bring it home in Mom's car just in case.
Husband: Good idea, don’t forget Ella too.


Jo said...

Here is my life lesson today. Watch out which blogs you read before you go to bed. Guess what I dreamed about last night?? Roller derby, come on, when Brad Pitt is just waiting to be dreamed about, I dream about Roller Derby. Humphfff.

Jenny said...

LOL - I knew we were soul sistas.

Mrs. Ca said...

I get obsessed with things reguarly too, I just have a short attention span, so my obsessions usually last only a couple of weeks or so before I'm on to the next one.