Oct 19, 2006


Sometimes I feel like I’m cheating on you bloggies. I don’t often write about what is happening in my emotional life. This type of writing is set aside for the sake of privacy. In light of this decision I sit at my computer a lot of nights wondering what the hell I can write about that won’t portray me as a raving crab-ass or a naïve housewife. There are friends and family far and wide that keep up with the daily goings on of the Garden – but they are only getting half the picture, the proverbial front lawn and I refuse to hang my family’s laundry in the front yard. This makes it especially tough when there’s a lot of laundry to do and not enough time to devote to the front lawn. So dear bloggies I would like to apologize for the overgrown weeds that have happened in the entryway of Bombadee’s Garden (I've been doing laundry) and re-devote to you and me and the Garden. I’m not sure what I’ll grow next and I assure you that our dirty socks look just like everyone else’s and you’d not find amusement in examining them so they’ll just stay on the clothes line in the back yard. But I will try and plant something hearty out front for us all to enjoy.


BoomBoom said...

So does this mean now you are going to cheat on ME with your blog?

Personally I like the raving, naive crab-ass housewife who has just as many problems as I do growing in her garden.

Jo said...

I don't think laundry belongs in the front yard myself. Although when I asked my girlfriend who lives in Oklahoma why they leave washers on their front lawns, she replied, "how else are the neighbors going to know you got a new one?"
It is okay, I am sorry you are stressed. Washing socks can be hard work sometimes.

Jenny said...

I'm just going to recommit to writting without worry.

Jody said...

I keep a lot of private stuff for my own (off-line, hand-written) journal. I think most bloggers have some boundaries, and all of us struggle with them sometimes.

Love the laundry on the lawn metaphor!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, sunshine. We love you dirty laundry or no. Besides, you have the right to delete a post if you have regrets about it!

"It's your blog and you can cry if you want to..."