Oct 3, 2006


Mr. B.: This book is heavy
Me: Oh? What are you reading?
Mr. B.: No, I mean it's literally heavy. It's like ten pounds.

What am I currently reading? Uncle Tom's Cabin, Flowers for Algernon, Mirror Mirror, and Son of a Witch are all in cue but currently I'm reading this week's People Magazine (not very heavy).

I am also however reading The Calm Before the Storm. Milo Freeman's live account of being a soldier in Iraq. Milo is a wonderful writer and if you have the inclination to add a new blog to your roll I highly suggest Milo's. This is also a perfect time to start reading, as Chapter II The Sand has just begun. Once you're hooked you can track back through Milo's prose interspersed with poignant verse for months as he's kept this blog since March 2006.

Keep safe, Milo and write often we'll be anticipating each entry until you are home.

"Monday, October 02, 2006

The Sand
From the air at night, Kuwait City looks like a carpet of topaz against the black veil of the Persian Gulf. Looking closely, one can see palm trees lining every street and highway, and with office towers spearing the nighttime horizon with their light, it's clear to see that this is a bustling city, home to many successful people

The first thing that most people talk about when describing the Middle East is the heat. Descriptions fail it. The air descends on a person like a heavy blanket, from the moment one steps off of the tarmac. The wind smells like scorched figs. From Kuwait City into the outlying areas, the terrain is primarily sagebrush and low ficus, but a few hours west and the terrain quickly shifts to barren desert hardpan. I've never been in the desert before, and so the sheer quantity of NOTHING strikes me mute.

I've been in Kuwait for about a week..."

1 comment:

Jo said...

I loved Flowers for Algernon. I read it as a young person. I bet I couldn't read it now though, without sobbing my heart out. I liked it before I had a cognitively delayed child, so who knows what it would do to me now? You should have seen Bald Man and I when we went and saw Radio! Yikes, puddles of tears, I was sobbing at the movies, tsk, tsk.