Oct 18, 2006


Dove - Evolution Commercial (higher quality)

Get your daughters to the computer for this one.


cara said...

Great post. But I have to come clean on this. I prefer looking at fabulous looking people in ads. I don't want to look at ordinary looking people like myself.

I don't want to see wrinkles, big bellies etc. I want perfection. I think the Dove ads with ordinary people are a good idea in theory. Just don't make me watch them!!

Is that weird? Or is that we are naturally attracted to more beautiful things. Like small babies preferring faces that are symmetrical and so on. Have I been hypnotised my advertising?

Jenny said...

No I'm with you in that I like my ads to have beautiful people in them - but - we need to get a realistic idea of beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am getting to the point where I hate seeing the same old faces over and over...the long flowing hair, the perfect teeth, the flawless skin. It's like, "Ha ha, look what I have and you never will. UNLESS you use our product." Which everyone knows is just hooey. I love it when ads use models who look more like real people because most people know beauty doesn't have to follow such specific guidelines and it doesn't mean perfection (just talking about physical beauty here). I think it makes a company stand out as unafraid if they're willing to break out of those old ideas of what a model should look like. I loved the commercial from Dove. Thanks for sharing!

Jody said...

I would much prefer to see real people in ads. The images we see all around us shape our perceptions of ourselves. Think how much different we might feel about our own hair, makeup, eyes, neck, skininess/fatness, if we weren't surrounded all the time by manipulated images of other women.

Jody said...

Not to mention, look at what they did to transform her hair. No wonder so many of us think we have "bad hair days."

Also: this woman was plenty gorgeous just made up and styled. WHY would it ever be necessary to make HER even "more beautiful"? Have computer, will pretend to idealized vision of womanhood.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell Mrs. Shoulung. but the blonde at the beginning is a hot lttle tenderoni.

Yum, Yum.