Oct 10, 2006

Morning Rituals

Ella got up this morning and instead of watching her usual shows took her milk into the library where she sat down at her computer clicked on the hello kitty icon on her desk top and proceeded to surf Hello Kitty type videos on You Tube. I can see everything she’s doing from my computer but I still think I think I need to install some kind of filter today. Mom and I had a discussion some time ago about the fate of my child’s handwriting. We think it’ll be bad. She will be able to type 4000 words a minute by the time she’s 4 but won’t be able to form a decent ‘w’. She’ll be starting her first blog before she can tie her own shoe.


Anonymous said...

Ella and Jack have much in common.

BoomBoom said...

I turned on a filter for my girls and it was a pain in the arse. The couldn't even get to an online dictionary and had to keep asking me to logon to finish their homework.

Mrs. Ca said...

When I was a teenager my dad put a filter on our computer when my brother was caught looking at questionable material. We had to take it back off because my mom couldn't access any online recipes that included chicken breasts in the ingredients. I'm sure they're much more sophisticated now, though.

Pendullum said...

I know that the filter would just screw up our already crappy internet service...

Jo said...

Our 21st century children amaze me. Little Man, even with his delays, was putting CD roms in the puter before he was 3. Our kids do stuff that adults fear to do on computers. Heck, I remember main frames and punch cards. (Showing my age there, but I am a grandmother now, so it is okay)