Jan 23, 2006

She still likes me best

I walked into the classroom to pick Ella up. She wasn’t broken or lost and she didn’t even have any new tattoos she was just sitting in Anne’s lap. I wanted to say “Tell me about every single moment she was away from me. What did you do? What happened? Did she like it? Did she make friends? Isn’t she just the most wonderful person you’ve ever met in your life?” Instead I opted for “Did she cry?” the answer was "No, she just took a while to warm up and then she even talked a little". "Good" I said. Ella had resigned herself to still sitting in Anne’s lap even though I was standing right there. I said “Hey puny, you ready to go?” She jumped right up and ran to me and grabbed her coat. (Phew!) I asked her to put some toys away and she placed a wayward truck into a bucket and the teenagers said thank you, handed us a picture Ella had colored, everyone waved and smiled and we left.


Anonymous said...

Yay for no broken Ella! Boo for no tats! I hear those decal ones are pretty kick butt! ;)

Jenny said...

I heard that someone makes temp tatoos for children with their address and phone # on them. They last 6 months, you order them by the hundred. I suppose it's better than a plastic tag stapled through the ear. (moooo)

BoomBoom said...

Jane and I were just discussing secretly implanted/embedded GPS devices for children earlier today.

Jenny said...

Baby Lojack

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy with a containment system that could keep my gate/furniture scaling 13 mo. old from putting himself in peril in the short time it takes me to pee. Hrm.. Wonder if my mom still needs that cage she use to use for her Dalmatian...

jennie said...

sending your first-born off to school is hard. just setting foot in a school is nostalgic and enough to make you cry for no apparent reason.
i feel your "pain." but my big girl is doing great after her first semester.