I stopped in the hallway and peeked through the window at Ella standing there dumbfounded that I had actually left, Anne trying desperately to get her attention with a stuffed bunny. Ella was shaken out of her catatonic state by a little boy by the door that started to scream “I want my Mommy!” I snapped these pictures and left.

What is running through my mind next:
-What if they break her
-I have to call Dan
-What if they loose her
-What if she is crying the whole time
-I’m the first mom to get into the car, why is that
-What if someone starts shooting up the school and they don’t know anything about her with no name tag and no last name they’ll just know she’s Ella and that’s all and no phone number accept for written inside her jacket and nobody looks there
-What if she doesn’t miss me
-How far away is 10:45
-Why didn’t she cry and hold onto my leg
-Is it 10:30 yet
-What is it that I was supposed to get at the grocery store all I can remember is onions, I can’t believe my big grocery trip without Ella was spent buying onions and frappuccino
-I wonder if Anne baby-sits
-Is it 10:30 yet
*Playschool is were the highschool kids get to practice running a daycare in their child development class. It's for children age 2 & 3. It's from 9:45 to 10:45 every other day for 5 weeks. She's going to love it. She's been saying for weeks "Im goin' school!" and we've been practicing "Hi, I'm Ella, what's your name?"
That first drop-off is very tough (on the mom -- Ella will probably be thrilled after the first 5 minutes!) Hope she has a great time today, and hope you are able to relax a little bit more with each consecutive morning.
OK - I was not going to share, simply because I wasn't sure how it would be taken but...when my girls went to school for the first time I was the only mom that wasn't blubbering. I took pictures, shared a quick thumbs up and high-five and sent them in. I will admit I kept thinking to myself, why are these women crying? I wasn't scared that they would be hurt or lost, worried that they would cry the whole time (I knew they wouldn't), I didn't count the minutes until they got back home.
Hmmmm. What does this say about me as a mother?
It says you are rational.
The mother's that were crying were just freaking their kids out.
Thanks. Sometimes I wonder if it means I am made of stone.
I have to tell you Jen, I'm now an official Bombadee Garden junkie. I must have loaded your page 6 times in the last two days looking for a post! Eek! I'm not a stalker, honest! :)
I had almost the same experience yesterday when I dropped Parker off at the in-laws for a few hours. We were going to be with other families and Parker has some weird rash on his arm that I didn't want to a baby even smaller than him. I watched Chris carry him to the door thinking just how teeny Parker, who's actually a 13 month old giant that wears 2T clothes, looked.
As soon as we could get back I tried to pretend like I was as cool as a lima bean watching him run around Grandma and Grandpa's laughing and playing, seemingly unaware that he was actually away from me for the first time in like 6 months but I couldn't help but notice that I think it was harder on me than him haha.
And I agree with you about the blubbering, that kind of craziness just makes kids think "Why is she leaving me here if she's so worried about doing it?!?!"
All stalker and nostalkers alike are most welcome. It makes me feel popular :) and I promise to post more often.
We are planning for Ella to spend the night at Grandma's sometime soon. !!!!double eeeek!!!!
I am a crier. But not in front of my children. I agree it'll freak 'em out, but those urges cannot be ignored. It's your BABY going away from you, having life without you! It is only the beginning of lots of goodbyes. Sorry to be so morose...:)
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