Jul 6, 2008

Dancing in the Street

I took Ella to a street dance last night. We listened to a band called the Crunchy Frogs who I like. They play lots of rock music from the good ol' days, the kind everyone knows all the words to and isn't Foot Loose and you don't mind your kid singing the chorus. Ella danced like crazy which I am happy to say in a sea of six year olds shakin' their groove thing doing Beyoncé moves my kid still runs in place and wags her arms around like a Goldie Hawn dancing on Laugh In occasionally throwing in a hop or two for accent. This of course is the same dance that made me fall in love with my husband fifteen years ago so I'm pretty sure rhythm is genetic.

1 comment:

DD Hunter said...

LOL, I know the song isn't Foot Loose, but I still say the rift the guy kept playing sounded like it.