Apr 28, 2008

Spring Sting 04.26.08

Saturday morning we dropped Ella off and Grandma’s and picked up three derby girls and a referee and drove to Des Moines. Road trips with derby girls are the best, the excitement was palpable and the junk food and the conversation are never ending. We passed our three other caravans on the highway and I now have butt prints on the back window on my minivan (that’s all I’m saying.) We dropped my derby sisters off at their hotel and Dan and I went to ours. We used up our points and stayed at the Sheridan and so when I walked into the lobby and saw a six story waterfall I had to call Tally Turmoil and ask her what her room was like. She said their bed was 6 inches from the bed next to it and then she told me to put a sock in it about the waterfall. So that’s all I’m saying about the hotel (except maybe the shrimp cocktail sucked, but that’s what we get for ordering shell fish in a land locked state.)

Soon enough we were at the rink suiting up and checking out the digs. Their floor was very similar to ours and so that was nice that I didn’t have to change wheels or anything. We played a very tough game, and in the end lost by a few points (115 to 87) but the crowd was very lively and the band was great. We found our way down to the after bout party where we drank cheap beer and I liberated a piece of chicken from Liberty Bella’s plate (thanks again) and did birthday shots with Chuck You - Mid Iowa’s announcer. I also got to meet and talk to the Cedar Rapids Rollers who are just starting out and super nice and have the best Myspace song called "Cedar Rapids Roller Girls" by Hyperfuzz, too cool.

At about 11:30 we bid our derby pals goodbye and Dan and I wandered over to the casino and played black jack for a couple hours before heading back to the hotel $20.00 richer (Yay for free breakfast.) So after we slept in and picked our pals back up we hit the local Perkins and gorged ourselves on pancakes and corned beef hash. On the way home we talked about roller skating, passed around a Mad magazine and ate circus peanuts (um no, we are not 15.)

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