Apr 17, 2008

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

We saw 21 last night. It was alright, turns out it's kinda hard to make an interesting movie out of counting cards. Counting cards IS a little boring in itself. What I really don't get is why card counters don't win 40 and then loose 15 and still walk out with 25 and not get busted. It doesn't seem like it's that hard of an equation

Greedy = broken face

Win lots loose some = lucky

If you can remember what is happening with 8 decks on three different tables it seems that you should be able to just win 65% of the time putting your money making abilities at 15% and that is far better than and CD or money market fund right now.

Ok, I know, movies aren't supposed to make total sense - it's drama, but really come on! I'm in a crabby mood anyway, somebody should know this and make movies that make some sense so that I don't get all pissy and have to wonder why the dude didn't get a safety deposit box for $10.00 dollars instead of hiding $350,000.00 in his dorm ceiling tiles, it's just plain annoying. It's supposed to be a true story but somehow I don't think it went down quite like that.

From what I understand it's more likely a card counting winner gets taken by muggers while staying in a seedy hotel off the strip. That may have been a good addition to this story but instead we got exactly the ending we predicted. Dan said he tried to nap but 10,000 BC was playing next door and the base was rumbling through the wall keeping him up. Dang... that was my pick. Wish we would've caught Bank Job instead but it moved on. Maybe it'll resurface at the dollar theatre next week.

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