Jan 22, 2007

Amerca 2007

I have skating practice so I will record it tomorrow tonight in the hopes that my president has suddenly realized that he totally agrees with me. Instead, I will hear him say:

“Saddam Hussein has been captured and brought to justice. Amerca will show steadfast resolve by making a stand with our brave men and women to honor our commitment. Make no mistake, those that would do harm to us, resources to fight insurgents, terrorism, 9-11, terror at home, 9-11, insurgents, zombies, Saddam Hussein, brave men and women, safer, freedom, freedom, apple pie, Amerca. Strong economy, breaking oil independence, no child left without an i-pod, working families, tax credits, red white and blue speckled puppies and John McCain. Immigration, terrorism, Saddam Hussein, insurgents, 9-11, victory, freedom, long road ahead, God bless Amerca.”

I'll fast forward through the standing Saddam Hussein is dead ovation. Not because I like Saddam, I'll just be sick of the back clapping already.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "re-cap"! Now I know I can go to bed with a good book instead.

Jenny said...

Maybe he will surprise us.

Mrs. Ca said...

I don't watch the State of the Union anymore. I can't stand to listen to the president for that long. I just get the recaps from the news later.