Jan 10, 2007

Don’t you just love a good mail week!

I received a package from Cameo (I'd link but she's moving) that included cookies! Thank you dearest – we love them. I received my first copy of USA Roller Sports Magazine which made me pour over each add while mentally building my dream skates. I received a letter from Grandpa and Grandma that smelled like their house when I opened it (Estee Lauder, Oak and Green Olives) and last but not least we received a tiny oblong box containing a bottle filled with sand and shells and a message. It’s an invitation to a cocktail party. Dan went to get the mail today and there wasn’t any. All our good mail karma is spent.


BoomBoom said...

That is the coolest idea for an invitation ever!

Mrs. Ca said...

The only good mail I've gotten in weeks was my newest issue of Everyday Food. Since my birthday, anniversary and Christmas are all within a month of each other, the end of November and December are great mail months for us. The rest of the year, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some good mail. Great idea for an invitation. I love getting packages, especially when they're unexpected.

noncommon said...

glad you got them!