Aug 3, 2006
I’ve grown some marigolds from seed in a pot next to my computer. I started them in May. When my Grandma DeCori was alive she always planted them around her house. She’d pick them after they bloomed and keep the seeds until next year to replant. That’s what I am planning to do with these. I water them every day and turn them so they grow evenly on all sides. They are by far taller than the ones whose seeds I threw in the dirt outside but those bloomed bigger. I’m kinda proud of these considering I usually kill plants. It even occurred to me to enter them in the county fair but I think I want a good look at what prize winning marigolds look like first. Besides, I don’t know if I could bear to leave them by themselves in a barn for throngs of snotty teenagers to roll their eyes at and drunk cowboys and creepy carnies to walk past without notice or worse yet they do notice and lean down to breath gross on them, I’m just not ready for that. They will just stay safe next to you my dear bloggies drinking in the carbon dioxide given off while I type and read. They are the marigolds I planted around my blog.

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What's a "dunk cowboy"?
Blogger wouldn't upload my photo this morning either...shithead.
Thanks, I meant 'drunk cowboy'. I fixed it.
Tom Hoey - I am willing to make the assumption that cowboys and carnies who chew tobacco until they are missing teeth have yucky breath and that makes them creepy, and most teenagers roll their eyes when asked to appreciate marigolds - the same way that you make the conjecture that I am not Christian because I use caricature in an effort to be brief.
In short, if you admit to being creepy I’ll admit I’m not Christian.
Plants hate me. They hate me so much they commit suicide to get away from me. No exageration. Even if not at all, in any way shape or form responsible for their care, if they even share the same domicile as me, thriving, healthy, beautiful and bountiful plants have been known to turn into wilted, withered, sad leafless sticks.
Pets, on the other hand, adore me. So at least I know I'm not evil. Just apparently toxic to plantlife mwahahaha!
And uh, two points for Jenny, clearly.
Tom Hoey.. Throwing around asinine comments like "un-christian" is simply hypocrisy at it's best. It is just as, if not more unchristianly to make personal attacks and assumptions about someone's spiritual belief as it is about their breath. So announce yourself as Pot and I'll introduce you to Kettle.
oh what the hell ever! getting to the HUMOR OF LIFE, and thus, what i assume to be the tongue & cheek portion of your post - i think it's wonderful how you have grown these flowers in HONOR OF YOUR GRANDMOTHER AND THEREFORE DON'T WANT TO SUBJECT THEM TO THE ICKINESS OF THE WORLD!!!!! they are in a beautiful pot, and i, for one, appreciate the fact they are the blogging marigolds. i have taken quite a liking to marigolds over the past few years myself. can't say as though i see myself doing the same with uptight carnies. oops! guess what? i'm not a christian either! and i don't like carnival either!
Thank you ladies.
I personally prefer my religion buffet style.
I'm looking at Vegas buffets this week.
Oh I found out some interesting news about marigolds today totally by coincidence and I had to come here and share.
I have a fair size garden behind my house that I had been planning on tilling and planting pumpkin seeds in at the beginning of July (when you're suppose to plant them in order to have them good by Halloween.) However, my month from hell came and it's left to the wilds of the asparagus bushes (look for pics tomorrow.) Speaking to my dear friend Attentive about this via phone he told me that if, next spring when I plant herbs and veggies, etc., I plant marigolds around my garden, it will be free from rabbits and moles because of the strong scent of the marigolds. Cool huh?!
Save some seeds for me! :)
When did you put word verification back? I didn't even notice lol.
They also keep ants away. I think this is why Grandma planted them around the house.
I didn't mind erasing a spam comment here and there, but on Saturday (the 22nd of July) amidst all the online chaos I got 43 spam comments. I went in and erased them all - one at a time. I traced them back to the websit and clicked on "Contact Us" and then wrote them back:
"Quit spamming my blog - butt wad!"
and to make sure they received it, I sent it a dozen or so times. (I know real mature)
then I turned on my word verification
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