Aug 26, 2006

In La-La Land

In the car she has the following conversation with herself:

"Someday I'm going to have a baby and on Monday the baby's gonna grow grow grow big and Tuesday the baby will talk to me."


While playing Playdoh:

Me: Whatcha making?
Ella: I'm making scary Playdoh
Me: Really?!
Ella: Yep, it's gonna be swan poop.


While watching a movie last night:

I need a gramma-cracker and a chocolate and hot marshmallow. Can I have hot marshmallow? I need hot marshmallow.


noncommon said...

oh my gawd! driving home from evan's piano lesson this morning the boys were saying the funniest things and i decided that would be my next post.
great minds think alike, huh?
and as for your little entertainer - i love the goose poop! love it!
and the insta-child! i love that too!

Mrs. Ca said...

I love when you do posts like this. I'm sure you'll appreciate it in the years to come - that you've saved all these precious things that she said that you might not remember if you hadn't.

Anonymous said...

You know, it does sorta seem like having a baby is like Ella describes -- time flies!

Swan poop. Heh.