Yes, it really says "I'm too sexy for my diaper" and just in case sexualizing your 0-3 month old daughter isn’t creepy enough for you they also offer "Does this diaper make me look fat?" for those who want to encourage an eating disorder as early as possible.

Great way to start helping your kids develop their identity, huh!
My son is already fascinated with letters and words. He enjoys hearing is dad spell out a word. Wouldn't these be great learning tools.
Those are apalling! I also hate baby clothes that say 'Princess', 'cheeky', etc on them ... I hate labelling my children.
I saw those in the mall in MN! I couldn't believe they would even make them.
The real shocker for me is somebody is buying them.
my kids walk around and sing the 'i'm too sexy' song all the freakin' time. where they even learned it, i have no idea. the other one they sing (and know the words to) is 'baby got back' by sir mix-a-lot. again, where they learned it????? throw in a little eminem and some 'south park' songs and i'm a regular poster girl for crappy parenting.
but as far as the onsies goes - those are just stupid. and they're selling. hmmmmmmmmmmm.
'they're just so cute! he he, isn't this funny?'
My girls LOVE the Baby Got Back song! I must admit it's a little strange to hear them singing...
"my anaconda don't want some unless she's got buns son"
I want to get these in my size and see what reactions I get...
Those are horrible! Way to introduce stereotypes as early as possible. The shirts aren't funny, like they're trying to be, they're really sad.
Cameo - you are doing just fine and here's the difference - My two year old uses the word "dammit" but I'm not going to print it on a shirt for her.
The word "sexy" does not belong on your baby girl's chest. Everything it implies is sickening and the problem is people think it's funny and no big deal, the same way we think it's no big deal for our neices to work at Hooters and no big deal for housewives to take pole dancing lessons. It's a big freaking deal! It's all part of a culture that promotes treating women like sexual property. And if anyone actually thinks that sexual prowess is actually power I'm going to refer you to
Actual power is being able to bring our troops home or voting yes to raising the minimum wage. Not summoning man drool by sliding down a pole with your knockers out.
So I take it Hooters is out of the question for Saturday night?
If only there were a place called "Peckers" and the waiters walked around in tiny orange silk shorts so tight you could tell who was Jewish. And they could sing birthday songs and pretend we liked them for their voices.
(Actually I probably wouldn't go there either - I prefer the T&A stay FAR away from my food)
They sing? I didn't know that!
You're telling me I've never been to a place where the chicks in tiny orange silk shorts and tank tops with built in thermometers sing songs?
Well, I'm gonna have to change that. I'll pencil in some Hooters right after my pole dancing lessons on Sunday afternoon.
peckers! brilliant! but i have to admit i wouldn't be caught dead there. the only pecker i enjoy seeing belongs to the man i have a thing for.
Right on Jenny!!! I completely agree about the 'small' ways we errode women's power to be anything other than sexual. Having a man lust after you is not powerful. ANYONE can make a man want to sleep with them, it's not hard. What is hard being treated as a multidimensional person with more to contribute than nice knockers and flippy hair when all of the images of women promote sexuality above everything else.
Oooh, that's just the start of my rant. Someone stop me!
(Ummm, I know I am talking about clothes on my blog today but it's not sexed-up hooker gear. Just so everyone knows.)
Wow...just when I thought nothing could surprise me. I actually knew a parent who was proud that she had taught her 18 month old to say "sexy." Nice. Real nice.
Almost as bad as Abercrombie and Fitch selling thongs for little girls. Almost.
Those shirts disgust me. There are some other bad ones out there too -- have you seen the "I'm a boob guy" one for babies? Ugh. Way to teach objectification.
Came across your blog, because I was looking for a picture of these onesies. I think you'd be pleased to know that JC Penny has pulled this product from their line because people complained.
Here is a quote from a letter they sent to one person: <<"Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your comments about the Onesie that we offered for sale. Very specifically, we attempt to avoid themes that would be considered offensive to JCPenney Customers. We sincerely regret that we have offended you. It was not our intent.
Based on concerns such as yours and our re-evaluation of the item we have decided to remove it from sale. Although we can not change our catalog we will no longer accept orders the "Too Sexy for my Diaper" onesie through our catalog or our Internet site. >>
Writing to the companies really help and a BIG thank you to Penny's for listening!!
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