Birthday Present
Ms. A. and I went to high school together. After college she was in my wedding and by providence we both married men from the same small town and moved three blocks away from each other. We were pregnant together and the girls’ birthdays are just eight months apart. We were sure they would be the best of friends having many afternoon tea parties together. I always imagined having a night out would be a breeze because we would only hire one sitter for the girls. Well, the two are like oil and water. For months we have tried to make these girls play nice using all sorts of schemes and testing theories hatched by us, read on the internet, found in magazines and suggested by mutual friends. I was panicking because we are all taking a vacation together in September with the girls and I can’t imagine four days of times outs and tears being any fun. At last, the clouds parted and heaven shown down on us today at little Miss A’s second birthday party. Ella and Little Miss A. had a super nice time eating cake and playing next to each other, there was even a kiss and a hug before our departure. Happy 2nd Birthday Little Miss A! Here’s to a wonderful next year!
Oh geez, what would I have done if my best friend who lived across the street, kids and my kids didn't get along?? ACK! I never knew to be grateful for how much all our kids love each other. Still do, they are like family. Hopefully this will mean a better vacation and lots of time together in the future.
I just assumed they would love each other right away. I guess you could call it my first big lesson in learning about how my daughter is her own person with her own ideas and stuff (gasp). It was a hard lesson, but better learned sooner than later.
They are like family - they are like rival sisters who fight all the time (LOL!)
Next time, please tell me to remove the Pooh hat before you take a picture.
Not on your life, I think the Pooh hat lends a certain air of sophistication to your head.
Ya it's been a rough one situaton eh! But we also learned if we expect them to be like sisters they are definately going to act like it!! Plus neither us really took into account poor LaLa lost 2 of her grown up playments to the Other Baby Dave and myself and even Grandma M and Mary Jean do it, so bound to be hard and we did fuss over Poohey alot the first months like she was a china doll so that probably got real old in Ella's book, Do you remember the look in the hospital when you held Poohey? I'm not worried about I think if we just get them together once in a while without any grand plan or announcement for a playdate and other kids are around it's not so bad and they both need to learn they don't have to play together, but the so have to respect each other. My Mom and Aunt were like this and they grew up to be best friends, my Aunt was a sick kid and kids bullied her all the time and My Mom's only dealings with her growing up were fighting for her or with her. I think as long as we keep not making a big deal when we get to Vegas it'll be ok, they just don't need to play together all the time, come on we get totally sick of each other!! They had seen each other until it escalated almost every day. They are both as stubborn as their mothers!
That was the first time Ella cried with jealousy. She was eight months old and I was holding Little Miss A. who was one day old. Funny, I had forgotten all about that.
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