I imagine we are in the ocean floating at the surface Ella supported by me while she nurses. We are mermaids. We are mysterious and magical and wild, beholden to no one, we collect and wear pretty shiny pearls and shells and baubles because we like them not because we want to be liked. We are free and dangerous, we are safe and illusive. Our hair floats with the water in forty directions at once. We sing songs and then lean our faces low in the water to blow bubbles while breathing through our noses and giggling.
The suds are gone and the water is cool again. I add more hot and stir it around with my feet while Ella sings to herself. I think about the larynx and ability to control one’s breathing. We are the only land mammal to be able to do that. Though Ella is young and just learning language her ability to float and hold her breath is innate. She sometimes seems to breathe music, like a whale. The water is soothing; it eases my back while Ella plays. Its ionic charge is supposed to induce happiness. While I’m not sure of how that happens I am sure that our bath tub is the most magical place in the house.

this was beautiful bombadee.
i was just talking the other day with a former student, who is now set to graduate as a biology major. she told me that babies are born with the innate ability to swim. if you throw a newborn into water, they know to hold their breath and swim. isn't that the coolest?
i, for one, don't like baths. but i do like watching my baby enjoy them.
check you e-mail.
I often have bathtime reveries, all the more when I'm bathing with WonderBaby. The warmth, the quiet, the calm. Aaah. You captured it beautifully.
Oh the soothing properties of a bath. A safe haven after a busy day. Water does have magical properties.
Unfortunately, the ocean takes away as much as it gives. Had to cover a heartbreaking story yesterday of two young men who rushed to the assistance of a couple who got in to difficulty whilst out swimming.
Basically, two strangers were walking along a beach when they noticed a couple were in trouble. They joined forces, grabbed a lifebuoy and went in to the water.
They managed to get the pair on to the lifebuoy and to safety only to find themselves dragged out to sea by a freak wave. Dreadfully sad stuff.
One of the dead men was 23 and was due to graduate from college next week. The other was 37 and recently got engaged. Both had so much in front of them.
The 37 year old's father said he hoped the sea would give him his son back. The best case scenario now is the recovery of the bodies.
Which brings me back to the bath! On days like this I enjoy the peacefulness of giving Alex a bath. Wiping the suds off his face...making bubbles...reading bath books...the simple pleasures.
It gives me a sense of perspective. Reminds me of what is really important in life.
(Boy aren't my post cheery? Marvellous picture of Ella Mermaid by the way. Would love to be artistic. I can't even draw matchstick men. Really useless in that department).
Cara, What a sad account. While you have my dream job, I don't always envy the stories you cover.
Ironic given what happend this afternoon - read the next story.
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