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also from: Storms Pummel the Stateline WIFR
"Here's a recap of the breaking news this evening. It's a major mess on the Rockford's eastside and in Cherry Valley due to the afternoon storms. People are stranded in their vehicles, and on top of their cars. Firemen are in boats in the midtown area. Area volunteer departments have been asked to bring their boats into the city to help. Here are just some of the streets involved--major problems on Sixth avenue, seventh street, 10th ave., 10th street, 8th avenue, 14th street, 20th street, Kinsey, Perryville, Sandy Hollow, Alpine*, Calvin Park, Rural, -significant flooding in the 18th to 20th street area along Charles. Scores of cars are stranded in flood waters 2-3 feet deep basement walls are collapsing. Power outages have hit more than 4,000 Com-Ed customers including many stores along Perryville Road."
*the intersection we crossed see story above
More Labor Day Flood Pics at Rockford Register Star

WOW! That's just crazy!
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