Won't you play a simple melody,
Like my Mother sang to me,
Like in our grey Las Begas house,
We live in our big white house now,
We have our bites in our frigerator,
I ate peanut butter and I like spicy chips,
It's a beautiful song,
We love a chother* and I love my Mother,
Next time won't you sing with meeeeee-yah!
The fishes are making songs for me
woo hoooo pah lah pah lah woo looo hoo!
All right kittens...
I can't hear youuuuu!...
We play Candy Land and I love Candy Land and
Chocolate is the best.
*Ella speak for "each other"

Flying Home This Morning
welcome back!
how on earth did you remember that song? you're making it up, aren't you?
I was sitting in the kitchen writing a grocery list when she started singing. She makes them up all the time and I want to catch one on film but this time I was quick enough to write it down. She sings EVERYTHING.
i love that!
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