Mar 29, 2006

Spilt Milk

I get things done fast and sometimes in unconventional ways, this drives my husband crazy as he thinks if your going to do a thing, you should do it right the first time and watching him ‘do it right’ drives me crazy. Case in point

The child spills milk on the couch.

Mom lunges for it when it’s tipped misses the catch and milk hits the cushions. She rights the cup and quickly pulls her own sleeve down over her hand and sops up milk with it. The kid lets a wail and Mom says “Don’t cry sweetie, I’ll get you more” she refills the cup in the kitchen, grabs the furniture cleaner spray to make certain the couch won’t smell like curdled milk next week, spritzes the couch and later changes her shirt.

On the other hand

Dad doesn’t see the cup go down, the milk spills completely behind the cushions. The kid lets out a wail and Dad says “Oh no! Crap, crap crapitty crap. Its ok honey, I’ll get you some more milk.” Dad then has to set down the book he is reading and stand up from the chair, walk to the bathroom and get a towel. Dad sops up the milk takes the cushions off removes the cushion covers and from the kitchen gets the furniture cleaner spray which he leaves sitting next to the couch as he goes back to the kitchen to refill the milk cup for the kid. While in the kitchen the kid decides it will be fun to jump up and down on the cushions without their covers while wearing the milked soaked towel as a cape and spraying the dog with the couch cleaner. The dog then discovers the milk and begins to lick the towel while simultaneously shedding little black hairs all over the cushions and the kid’s sticky hands. Dad makes it back from the kitchen to witness the new mess and he sighs a big heavy Daddy sigh. Kid says “You ok Daddy?” Dad says “Yeah, let’s go get in the tub”. He puts kid in tub, dog on back porch, yells for Mom to come and watch the kid in the tub as he’s “got a mess to clean up”, gets the carpet shampooer out and shampoos the couch, put the cushions and their covers in the wash, and continues to shampoo the entire carpet because once he cleaned that one spot it looked cleaner than the others. This takes all afternoon to dry.

Now, while it's nice to have your entire carpet shampooed and the couch completely clean and fresh, and it's wonderful that he doesn't just yell for me at first, or throw a blanket over it, I think my husband could turn picking his nose into an all day affair just getting the right tools out. My point - Who ever said don’t cry over spilt milk never had to watch Dan clean it off the couch.


Mrs. Ca said...

That's like my husband's definition of cleaning versus mine. I vacuum around the furniture and sometimes under, he pulls out all the furniture every time. I sweep and swiffer the bathroom floors, he vacuums every crevice and then pulls out the mop. It's clean either way, he just makes a big production out of the whole thing and then gets mad because I don't clean exactly the way he does. Oh, well. At least he cleans, which can't be said for some men.

BoomBoom said...

You say potato I say potato...
You say tomato I say tomato...

Okay that makes no sense in type, does it?

Jenny said...

I know, clean is clean is clean and at least someone is doing it. I just can't stand to watch it unfold without putting my two cents in and I bet you all know how well that goes.

Tag this: "Looking at the gift horse" again.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to this. The mom's methodology just seems more... pared to the essentials. Kind of like the way moms react to stuff anyway.

And I love my hubby, but I totally see that his cleanups become a huge production generating twice as much laundry (towels used to soak up milk, etc.) in twice the time it takes me to do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

OMG, can someone say "ruin my blog with your useless spam that no one wants or will read or will ever show you the least amount of benefit from"?

Anyway - see, I would have told the kid "Well there's no reason to cry, you should have been more careful and now you know that so you learned a good lesson. If you don't want to cry over spilled milk, don't spill your milk."


As far as cleaning it up, I'm a big production kind of gal to be sure. I STILL mop my floors on my hands and knees because it just doesn't feel clean to me otherwise. The thought of Parker crawling around the bathroom floor, placing his chubby lil digits, that will eventually make their way into his mouth, on the very floor of the very room people relieve themselves without knowing that it's been Lysol'ed by a "pro" just leaves me throwing up a little in my mouth.

And yes, you girls should be thankful someone else is cleaning it up at all - I don't HAVE one of those husbands, I have the kind of husband that considers 3 day old socks "clean enough." *shudder* Then again, maybe that's WHY I'm a big production girl.

Although truth be told, in ALL of my environmentalist glory, shamefully I am a paper towel whore. I couldn't live a day without them, screw the towel, it only adds laundry. lol

Oh, and Tater, in real life, I say "potato potato" to mean what you're typing it to mean but I say "poe tay toe - poe tay toe" instead of "poe tah toe" as a joke reference to the typed version that you shared above lol.

Jenny said...

I took the word verification off because I was having a hard time reading it (LOL)

I just deleted the spam, it hasn't been alot so it's easy enought to delete.

Jenny said...

That actually makes me laugh.