Mar 11, 2006

Mashed Platadoh

Dan: iCK! Sputter, ptew spit, ckkklahhh, GROSS!
Me: Are you ok?!
Dan: I thought I had a little piece of mash potato on my finger and I just ate it, but it wasn’t mashed potato.
Me: Oh no! What was it?
Dan: Playdoh.

Authors note: When I wrote this story using Word I was immediately informed Playdoh was not in my dictionary. I hit F7 for spell check and it suggested I replace Playdoh with Playboy. I just want to point out how the patriarchy decided that Playboy was a brand-name more worthy of a spell-check entry than Playdoh. Should I even be surprised?


Dawn said...

So salty and playdoughy...That will teach him to simply place unidentified things in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

If he's a typical man, no it won't lol!