Sep 30, 2005

I Have Seen the Enemy…

I just don’t see any saving grace for their political party. But here’s the real problem, the enemy is us, my neighbors, my family, and my legislators. The five year old child in Liberia who is wondering if her arm that has been shot off will ever grow back doesn’t know the difference between democrat and republican. The teens that were raped at Abu Ghraib aren’t concerned about whose bumper sticker I have on my minivan. The woman whose mother was killed at the grocery today doesn’t follow how many of our congresspersons are on which side. These people only know that we are Americans.

I’ve been thinking for some time now, ‘Oh, that’s not my America… I didn’t vote for that guy’… I think that I have been able to mentally skirt and wriggle out of any blame by standing back clucking my tongue and shaking my finger while the skinniest kid on the play ground gets the shit kicked out of him. After Katrina, I was the one spouting “We are only as strong a nation as we treat our weakest citizens.” It just occurred to me, this also applies to the morally corrupt? This nation is only as decent as its least ethical leaders - and that IS my America. I have blood on my hands BECAUSE I am American.

Today’s Links
The former U.S. education secretary Bennett says “if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose -- you could abort every black baby in this country”
GOP Senate Staffer Gets Drunk, Goes Wild
Alabama lawmaker writes that Katrina was God's punishment
Walt Kelly's POGO

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