While we were walking into the dollar theatre, we encountered a woman passing out flyers in the parking lot. Now because I’m involved in one political campaign or another almost always and I’ve been that crazed lady in the parking lot trying to get rid of 50 flyers while freezing my patootie off, I always take one when I see someone passing them out. So I politely walked over and took one. When she handed it to me she said something like
“It’s just in case you or someone you know needs to quit drinking or smoking…”
I looked down and saw that this flyer was hand written I figured they must really have a tight budget as the cheapest form of advertising is a handwritten flyer creased down the middle and then divided in half and then handed out at the dollar movie theatre parking lot. I assumed it was some sort of AA flyer and said
“Oh, no I suppose I don’t need this then and I don’t want to waste your budget so here, you should have it back,”
the same way so many people who have given back political literature telling me they were from out of town do, and let me tell you from a financial point of view we actually do appreciate it especially on small campaigns were they are counting on every dollar.
She said “That’s ok I have plenty, Jesus provides”
In my experience, it’s never a good idea to argue with a person about taking religious literature once you’ve already taken it especially when your husband is carrying your four year old through a freezing cold slushy parking lot, so I folded it up and tucked it into my purse. Once inside the theatre and we found seats enough for us and our expected friends and settled in to wait for the movie to start. The rest of my family was opening candy and fidgeting around and I reached into my purse because I may or may not have stashed a box of Junior Mints that may I add they absolutely don’t sell at the theatre any more but totally should because I have to have them during a show, when I spotted the handwritten half sheet the woman in the parking lot gave me.
I would like to preface this by saying I do not think it’s at all nice or to make fun of people’s beliefs or their eccentricities, in fact I think it’s downright bad karma. Having said that after I read this sheet of paper I poked Dan and made him read it. After he was done I folded it up and put it back into my purse and have been carrying it around since. As it turns out this little piece of paper, the simplest of marketing piece from what I’m sure is a minuscule budget turned out to be part of an ad campaign so striking and unforgettable that I am becoming a part of it by posting it here for you all to read. So now I ask, who are we laughing at? You? Or me? Or the woman who gave it to me? Or are we just nervously laughing because we don't know what to say?

PS Adam & Bruce?! That doesn't even rhyme!
ad campaign?
this is lost on me.
in reading this, all i see is someone who had a religious moment and photo copied it for the world.
seems to me what you have here is written proof that some people are a little crazy.
and just to note - i know a lot more adam & bruces' who have made it a lot further than the adam & eves'.
wow. this is priceless. i especially love the litany of junk food - orange circus peanuts? awesome!
I know! If it weren't for the Adam and Bruce part I might be able to get on board with a religion that promotes orange circus peanuts, skittles, sweet tarts and playing solitare. It's definately a sticking point for me though, even if they add cotton candy.
Personal Computer $1500
Internet Access $22.95 / month
Digital Camera $279
1/2 page photocopy $0.03
Of course, if I write my comments on the back of the photocopy nobody else can read them.
DM Parking lot blogging takes way more effort than I'm willing to put in.
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