Feb 1, 2008

Snarky Family

Me: If McCain wins the nomination Ann Coulter said she'd endorse Hillary!

Dan: Don't worry she's got plenty of time to forget she said that. This IS Ann Coulter, she can't even tell the same lie twice on her own show.


Ella is completely taken with the inner workings of the human body. We've read
this book every night before bed for the last two weeks and she won't stop talking about blood and bone marrow. This whole topic freaks Dan out - he can barely look at an x-ray without getting woozy. This kinda cracks me up but my favorite part is at every meal she points out which foods have vitamins to build bodies and which foods will mostly become poop.


When I heard the news that Microsoft was buying Yahoo I thought to myself "Great, now I'll have twice the reason to crash while I blog."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I tend to agree. McCain is about as Republican as Dan is. If he wins the nomination, I will follow through with my evil plan:
1. Register as a Democrat
2. Participate in the caucus to promote the second-place candidate
3. Vote for:
A) The Dem if it's McCain, Romney or Huckabee
B) The Repub if it's Thompson

It looks like 3.A) will be the plan, in order to elect a Dem President and a Dem congress. They will, of course, eliminate the tax cuts and pull a Saigon-style retreat from Iraq and collapse the US economy. When the car-bombs start going off in the major cities, because of the open border, the Democrat party as it exists today will be finished for a generation. And Hillary just might get impeached and convicted.