Feb 10, 2008

She’s just not ever going to be able to ever watch Romeo & Juliette or the Titanic.

Finally yesterday morning I awoke without taking Sudafed and Aspirin and going back to sleep until they took affect. I woke up and was able to drink a cup of coffee and have a granola bar and then what did I go do? I went and scrimmaged with these womenthe Unholy Rollers. Yes, I’m sore as heck and I learned a ton of stuff, I would just like to say that I love these ladies and the roller derby community as a whole is one of the most inviting and helpful environments I have ever been involved with, if you count women wanting to come down and knock you over as helping (and I do LOL!)

The kids came and had a fun time watching us practice and I think it left a very deep impression on my teenage niece. I was glad for that, sometimes kids get caught up in high school and all the heartbreak that it brings and can't see the fun beyond their own noses. After yeaterday, she's vowed to come skating with me, she caught a glimpse of a community she liked, something that wasn't what a regular lil' country girl from a small town gets to be a part of very often.


On another note, it was forty below last night and Ella has the sniffles, so she and I snuggled up in bed and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory while scarfing M&M chip cookies and Cheetoes. It was very disturbing to Ella to see these kids getting potentially blue-berried and made into fudge and she was eve more concerned about what Grandpa Joe and Grandpa Josephine were going to eat! “Poor, poor Charlie Bucket and his family” she’d say and then her whole body would be wracked with sobs and I would have to reassure her that it would get better for the Bucket family, soon. Movies just take her in so deeply, even though she knows they are pretend. At the end she was jumping up and down in bed squealing “They have some food! They have some food!” Then we had a very long conversation about being spoiled and greedy and ungrateful and Ella vowed to be more like Charlie Bucket and so did I.


Jo said...

What a tender hearted sweetheart. I hope she changes the world someday.

Jenny said...

I do too.