Feb 4, 2008


What torture is this that finds me in my sleep and threatens to kill me with the light of day? At 7AM this morning I awoke to find my sinuses trying to cleave my head in two with blunt force from the inside out. I feebly reached my arm out from underneath the covers and found my cell phone. Upon pulling it back into the precious darkness under the comforter, I dialed Dan who was all the way down stairs, across the house and in the kitchen and I croaked “Aspirin and Sudafed please…love you” and hung up. Whatever pitifulness that came through on the phone caused him to move swift and bring pills and after two more hours of lying in the dark waiting for the ooze to slide to the other side of my head and the drugs to numb me, I could face the morning without wincing. Oh sinus migraine you wretched curse, I demand you retreat back into the depth of whatever torturous hell you’ve escaped from and trouble me no longer or I will summons Amoxicillin to banish you forever.

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