The fourth of July is a kind of sacred day for me and Dan. With few exceptions, we’ve always just packed up a small bag of munchies a little radio and a blanket and headed down to the river together to see “Sky Concert”. Sometimes we meet up with close friends and sometimes it’s just us, but this event has always been important to us. The reverent feelings some get during Christmas Cantata or Passover Dinner we get during the Fourth of July fireworks. There is something so sanctified to me about anonymously lying in the grass with thousands of my fellow citizens all ages, colors, creeds while we listen to Ray Charles’ gravely voice from the radio croon “What a Wonderful World” and we watch the most spectacular display of fiery elements* splashed across the sky while communities around the country do exactly the same. Even tacky ‘ol Lee Greenwood howling on about his freedom doesn’t bother me that much on the Fourth of July. I see the good in my neighbors and my political misgivings start to unravel as I think about a comfortable old quilt patched and pieced together over time, not all the patches are my favorite but the abundance of hands that have sewed and the sheer love put into it makes it my favorite quilt and one we can all lay on while we enjoy the fireworks.

*aluminum, iron, steel, zinc and magnesium dust
I suppose they do Rod
nicely put
Finally got around to setting up a blog. It is
Blathanna is the Irish for flowers. Every word I put in for my username seemed to have been taken so I thought if I threw an Irish name in there I would have a better chance!
Just typed a piece up and posted it. I didn't re -read it or spell check it which was quite liberating. Felt like a rebel! No one is editing it and so on!! Enjoy July 4th. Take care, Olivia
Any excuse for lying on a rug watching fireworks is a good one. When I lived in the US Hubby and I spent the 4th of July weekend at the Grand Canyon one year - fireworks over that hole in the ground are pretty spectacular.
Enjoy feeling at one with your fellow Americans ... setting aside your differences for a common ideal is a wonderful thing :)
What a lovely post. I feel like I'm sitting right there with you listening to music and enjoying the fireworks.
Have a happy 4th!
Hey Jen.
Just wanted to say how sweet it is that you and Dan share this special moment. Whether it's fireworks or a candel light dinner on V-day or hot cocoa in the winter, special, tender moments like this are what make loving someone worth all of the toothpaste caps in the world, and then some.
I like the quilt, too :)
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