May 14, 2008

Prison Tats

Dear Ella's Ballet Teacher,

When Ella cheerfully skipped into class yesterday cute as a button and said "Look at my new tatoo! I got it at the jail!" and you nodded politely and said "Hmmm, very nice" and I didn't tap on the glass and try to yell to you "we toured the jail with some good friends that work there" I want you to know I was laughing on the inside... alot. You might also be delighted to know I let Ella take a pen and draw herself a thorax, it covers her entire front section and compliments her jail tatoo nicely. And I bribe her to listen to you with chocolate. Just thought you should know.



Anonymous said...

LOL, I bribe her with chocolate

Jo said...

It isn't bribery, it is motivation. I am personally motivated by chocolate also.

Anonymous said...

well, seeing as i will probably be the only ballet teacher to respond to this, i would like to applaude you for the chocolate bribery. what ever it takes. however, i urge you to hold off giving said child doses of chocolate BEFORE class, as the caffine has a tendency to make them little hellions, and therefore, a menace to the learning enviroment.
we can tell when kids ate sugar before class. they literally bounce off the walls. and don't really have a good time because of it. but i'm sure you've already figured that one out.
knowing this, of course, i suppose if you want to get back at the teacher for something, you could bring great quanities of chocolate and hand it all out before class. nah. forget i even said it.

Jenny said...

Oh yes the chocolate is always at the end and it's a prize for no clowning. She likes to pretend to fall and then the other girls crack up... that's my little ham in a tutu.