Jul 15, 2007


Ella and I dressed in our Friday-night best and went to the theatre with freinds Friday night. The Tot's picked us up for our triple date and when we arrived and Sugarlips popped out of the car dressed in his best and said “La we hafta hold hands.” I couldn't get my camera out fast enough.

We meandered up to the ticket booth and admired the giant structure whose ceiling opens up like a lotus flower to the stars and waited for Judo Boy and Mrs. BlahZeeBlah.

We had seats on the isle just like we requested and despite the anticipation of running to the potty and coddling in the lobby the children sat enamored on our laps waiting to see what happened next. The dancing was spirited enough to inspire La to hop up and down in her seat and of course I cried at the end of the first act when Peter asks the audience to believe in fairies and the children crowed "Er-Er-Er-Er-ERRRRRR!" the whole way out to the car. Next time I think I’d like to venture closer to the stage, now that I know my date would allow it.

1 comment:

BoomBoom said...

It was a most lovely evening.