Mar 2, 2007

Yay for Lazy Parenting

A good friend of ours has triplets and when they turned three I commented to her “I bet you’ll be happy when they’re potty trained” and she told me what a nightmare potty training was. “When you have triplets any one of them may have to go at any moment which means you need to know where every bathroom in the whole city is so you are never more than three seconds from an accident.” Honestly this scared me. I am creeped out by public restrooms to begin with and it never occurred to me that I would need to take my child into one much less the two or three times in a single shopping trip. Another good friend is training her daughter by making her sit on the potty once and hour. It sounds good but I’m too lazy to remember and it seemed wrong to set an alarm, it could have a terrible Pavlovian effect causing her to have an overwhelming urge at the sound of an alarm. With all this in mind, I was trying to find a week or two in my own head where Ella and I would be home all day every day. I could put her in underwear and not worry about cooties on the public seat or accidents at the grocery. We could make a mad dash to the toilet the moment she uttered “I have to go”. I was waiting for the perfect storm, or I was just putting it off really. Ella decided differently, she tired of waiting for me and yesterday she asked for underwear. I put her in them and that was it, no more diapers. Procrastination 1 - Planning 0.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Another graduate of the very same school of potty training I used! Works great. No fuss and you don't have to worry that your kid is going to spend hours on some Freudian couch because you somehow did it wrong.