Nov 29, 2006

Hair History 1977 to 1990

Here it is... Something good.

Preschool - Not a care in the world, 70's bowl cut

Kindergarten - Needed to have it long so I could have braids and pony tails and pretties

1st Grade - Loved little house on the Prairie, had to keep it long

2nd Grade - I'm pretty sure I cut my own bangs before this one

3rd Grade - Refused to let anyone brush my hair and got a pixie cut. Kids in the neighborhood kept calling me 'hey boy' and I set to growing it out right away.

4th Grade - I wanted to look just like Janet from Three's Company

5th Grade - Feathered hair was just coming in and I had to have it.

6th Grade - The beginning of my obsession with hair in my eyes

7th Grade - Got a perm trying to emulate Madonna and it ended up too tight, I looked like a poodle. I hated my hair so much there are no pictures from 7th grade.

8th Grade - Feathered and big, I think I must've toned it down for picture day, or maybe I had swimming class before pictures. Notice the popped collar and the totally serious look on my face. That's because I was totally serious.

9th Grade - Smirk check, Metallica shirt check, hair in my eyes check, ok take the picture

10th Grade - Smirk check, black shirt check, hair in my eyes check, ok take the picture

11th Grade - Smirk check, black shirt check, hair in my eyes check, extra gobs of eyeliner check ok take the picture

What? No Senior Picture? No I didn't dig that far into the photo drawer. My Senior Picture was taken at the beginning of the "Grunge" look so I had just long curly hair and a nice dark red shirt on - pretty tame. I'll have to find one to show you all - but it'll just look like me only without the wrinkles - nothing crazy.


Jo said...

It was rather sad to watch the innocence leave and the ATTITUDE take over. I am sure your mother is relieved that it eventually left. I am just not fond of teenagers.

Mrs. Ca said...

Love it! I think I had the same sweater you are wearing in the 4th grade pic.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I particularly like the glasses in the fifth grade.

Jenny said...

You said it Jo, my Mother is a Saint.

Mrs. Ca I loved that sweater, I wore it until it didn't fit anymore and Mom bought me the one in the 5th grade pic. It was red with white and I loved it too but not as much as the white with red. Go figure.

Jenny said...

Magpie - Technically I got the glasses in 3rd grade I just rarely wore them

Anonymous said...

I love the Feathered Hair look, at that time period I was in High School, so huge feathered hair and lovely blue eyeshadow..

Jenny said...

Oh yeah! If you look close at the 10th grade pic you can barely make out the blue eyeliner and if my hair weren't in my eyes you could see the blue eyeshadow.

cara said...

Great pictures Jenny. When I first met you for some reason you reminded me of Cher. Think I mentioned it to Chris at the time and he didn't see where I was coming from.

But I see it in the last picture. Not a major resemblance ...more like a sense of the person. Like a young Cher. (Pre plastic surgery and taking all the personality out of her face etc!)

Jenny said...

Funny, people used to tell me that in high school all the time. You aren't the only one who's thought that.

Anonymous said...

I like the pixie cut. You did not look like a boy. You were so cute!

Jenny said...

Looking back - I think that's my favorite too.