Feb 9, 2007

Diamonds and Chocolate


FACT: One-third of Nestle's chocolate is from West Africa, where over 286,000 children are working in slave-like conditions on cocoa (chocolate) farms.

FACT: Dole is the largest distributor of cut-flowers in the world, the majority of which are imported from Columbia and Ecuador, where farmers and flower workers (often adolescent girls) are exposed to 127 different chemicals, including neurotoxins and carcinogens.

FACT: The three private owners of M&M/Mars Inc. are each "worth" $10.4 billion, while the West African farmers growing the cocoa for M&Ms chocolate are paid an average of $108 annually.

FACT: Despite record profits in 2006, Hershey's has been accused of buying from contractors who utilize child labor and child slavery on cocoa farms on the Ivory Coast.

TAKE ACTION: Send a message to the chocolate and flower giants to stop child labor, illegal toxic chemical use, union busting, and to pay their farmers a living wage.

from www.organicconsumers.org/valentines/alert.htm

Please buy local for Valentines Day


BoomBoom said...

Can I say I'm taking a stand for love and justice...even though I really could care less for chocolate and have always found $60 on a dozen flowers to be an asinine way to spend $60?

Just to ask, where do you think the places you linked to get their chocolate? Somehow I don't think it's from a unionized cocoa farm that offers its adult workers decent wages and hearty benefits. Are there that many cocoa farms out there? Sounds like a Tot mission...Google here I come.

Jenny said...

"Fair Trade" Chocolate is what you have to look under and there are lots of companies. You can also find "Fair Trade" Coffee.

Jo said...

Dole is part of the Nestle company. Also Chef Boryardee and Libby's. I have been boycotting Nestle for over 2 decades. Baby Formula sales in third world countries. Thanks for the update on other capitalistic transgressions.