Mar 26, 2008

Yeah, What She Said!

Go read "The Evangelical Pro-Life Guide to Sexy Feminism" I love Liz's remarks, she put into words what I've been having a hard time articulating, and of course viva la writings of spinster aunt Twisty.

(Ok, I was trying to pick a quote from the article to put here and ended up just reprinting the entire text so just click the link a go read it)


Anonymous said...

i think i'm confused. a lot of big words. but what i think is being said i agree with - there's more to life than sex. (but the sex should be good dammit!)
is this in response to the post i made? if so i would love to hear your take on it.
seeing that commercial floored me. i wasn't expecting it, and honestly, i thought it was a joke at first - soooo cliche.
i would have been horrified had it been a commercial for a product for men! probably outraged.
i just don't understand how feminism has gone here. it seems a little hypocritical.

Jenny said...

I know it's a really complicated issue and I barely have the framework to flesh out my ideas.

What I am trying to say is that the act of sex should have little to do with feminism. Third wave feminists think the feminism of the 70s requires you to have hairy legs and leave you makeup behind, when really why should makeup or personal grooming even enter the picture when we are talking about feminism*.

It's a global humanitarian crisis involving such deep rooted inequalities that women are dying and working for a dollar a day and being traded like cattle. The fact that I am able to buy a sports corset in pink so I can play my sport looking hot doesn’t make me empowered or a feminist it makes me a consumer with a preference for pink.


My post was a reaction to I Blame the Patriarchy’s post.

The commercial! Pretty funny actually, I just would’ve guessed that Trojan had a better budget. The implication that it was “good for a relationship - (wink)” can be taken a couple of ways: A. It will be used in tandem B. It will be used alone. All in all, I preferred this commercial to the “Girls Gone Wild” ones I’ve had to endure while watching Comedy Central in my Mother-in-laws living room (ick). But I’d really have thought Trojan had better marketing people, they ought to consult Nike about that pink corset and get a tip or two on marketing to the “empowered woman” LOL!


*Wait, feminism should take issue with body deforming and uncomfortable ritualistic distortions that we are programmed from childhood to buy into.

Anonymous said...

it's a pain in the ass being a thinker. but you're a good one!! that's why i like you

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is so silly. No one can oppress you without your permission. That is what the First and Second Amendments are all about.

Seriously, with the MSM, the EEOC, the ADA, and the ACLU on the lookout to crush anyone so un-PC as to discriminate, you have to work pretty hard to get oppressed these days.

Unless you're a white guy. And a Christian. Then you're on your own.